Illuminate It: Regardless of whether you're working with a whole room, some portion of a room, or a lobby, you can definitely modify the entire look and feel of a stay with legitimate lighting. In the event that the space you're working with is somewhat dim and there are no accessible windows to use for light, have a go at including a little work area or table with a sharp light. This will enlighten your bits of craftsmanship and focus on the pieces you need to feature. In case you're going for an increasingly easygoing condition, you can utilize Christmas lights or other improving installations to liven up a dull space. Edges, Frames, and More Frames What's one thing each craftsmanship exhibition has? Surrounded work of art. You'll need to utilize acrylic outlines since they're solid and snazzy. In case you're working with a space that gets a great deal of pedestrian activity, it's fundamental that your edges won't break or split